Welcome to Rising Traceuse A global resource for parkour athletes
Welcome to Rising Traceuse A global resource for parkour athletes

What Type of Girl Practices Parkour?

Women are already less likely to start practicing parkour than are men, simply because it is a male-dominated discipline. However, some are further discouraged when they think they don't fit the profile of a parkour girl. They think if they don't have the right qualities, they will not be able to train and progress like they should.

The ideal thing to say is that anyone can practice parkour which, obviously, they can. The question is: do all kinds of women practice parkour, or do they tend to fall into specific categories? This is an important question to examine, so I have compiled this article based on my life experiences with traceuses in Brazil and the USA as well as online traceuse communities and numerous videos. During my research and pondering, I came to some surprising conclusions.

Do parkour girls tend to follow certain stereotypes? Let's find out.

Common Profiles of Parkour Girls 

1. The Athletic Girl

It makes sense that the women who are most drawn to a super-physical discipline like parkour are already athletic. At least, this seems like a reasonable assumption. In reality, I would say at least 1/2 of the women I've met who start practicing parkour have very little athletic experience. Some begin their training without the strength to even do a modified push-up. Some are overweight, and many have very little stamina. My own athletic level when I first started training was 0.00000, but that didn't stop me. It shouldn't stop you, either. After some time of dedicated parkour training, you will become an athletic girl whether you like it or not.

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2. The Tomboy

Parkour is a male-dominated discipline, which means that it is "masculine" by nature, which means that women who consider themselves "girly" would never train parkour. This seems to be the perception of many people. In reality, you don't need to be a tomboy to train parkour. Whether you choose to focus more on power or on fluid movements, the result is always beautiful. A lot of women discover this when they begin training, which is why we see a wide spectrum of parkour girls who range from complete tomboys to absolute girly girls. Even if they choose to wear tennis shoes and baggy sweats during training, a lot of these women love to wear heels and dresses in their regular lives.

3. The Parkour Girlfriend

I have met a number of traceuses who began training alone, with guy friends, or with girl friends. However, I do believe that a woman who has a boyfriend/fiancé/husband who practices parkour is more likely to start training herself, and there are a few reasons for this. 
  1. She may not know what parkour is, and having someone close to her who trains is the perfect introduction. 
  2.  It is less intimidating to begin the learning process with her boyfriend than with guys she doesn't know, or even with guy friends. 
  3. Her significant other is more likely to invite her to train than a regular guy friend (who might fear that his gesture will be mistaken for flirting.)
The first one applied to me, and the rest are just my deductions. Feel free to comment if you have any other insights on this one, or if you think I am wrong.

Who Are Parkour Girls?

In reality, parkour girls do possess a few special qualities. They are barrier-breakers. They are strength-seekers. They are motivated individuals who don't care that they are a minority in a male-dominated discipline. In other words, they can be anyone. If you want to start practicing parkour and are physically capable, what's stopping you? Join the colorful mosaic of the parkour girl community, and discover that you are capable of things you never imagined. 


  1. "In reality, parkour girls do possess a few special qualities. They are barrier-breakers. They are strength-seekers. They are motivated individuals who don't care that they are a minority in a male-dominated discipline." ---> Beautifully said. :) They don't let anything get in the way of their goals.

  2. " Para as garotas que treinam Parkour, tem sido desafiador, mas também muito proveitoso as horas de treino, superando um a um os obstáculos, eu que o diga!! é maravilhosa a sensação de crescer, progredir... Muitas iniciando do zero mesmo, outras nem tanto, umas com mais facilidade de desenvoltura mas, sim elas são desde o inicio "TRACERES GIRL". Eu comecei com os amigos, conheci pessoas, abri meus circulo de amizades, o tempo passando eu aprendendo, desenvolvendo passo a passo, hoje considero essa galera a minha família agente é unido, muito bom treinar com amigos, mais que um momento bom, uma lembrança boa. Mas é claro que ninguém começa sabendo de tudo, as quedas, os arranhões, enfim essas cicatrizes marcam a história no Parkour de qualquer tracer.

  3. Hey! I read your Yahoo Voice articles and wow, am I glad you have your own blog! Favorited! (Planning on checking you out on Youtube, too!) I'm finally starting to train for parkour (after years of chickening out) and I'm really glad to see a parkour blog dedicated to females! (By the way, what happened to girlparkour.com?!)

    Refocusing on the article, I definitely agree with Xavier's comment that highlights the last paragraph. The greatest and most attractive quality I find parkour and all of its practitioners have is that they all look to adapt the mentality of transforming barriers and obstacles into chances for opportunity and growth. Even if I don't have an inkling of strength to do even the most basic moves right now, I can identify myself as a strength seeker and barrier-breaker. I am diligently training to get stronger and I have broken several internal barriers in order to finally start practicing parkour. Thanks Ms. De Lira for that wonderfully worded part. It motivated me to train today!

    I look forward to your future articles Ms. De Lira! Have a good one!

    1. I am so glad you found my blog! Thanks for checking out my work, and congratulations on starting to train parkour! I hope that you find some helpful information here on Rising Traceuse :) Feel free to add me personally on Facebook so we can chat! It is always great to meet new traceuses, and I would love to give you any support you need!

      I am not sure what happened to Girlparkour.com. That was a great resource, and I haven't been able to access it for some time. If you're looking for a female parkour community, the Facebook group Parkour Girls Across is really active and supportive! Some other great resources I recommend are the Beginner's Guide on Apexmovement.com and the articles on Americanparkour.com.

      I am so glad you can identify with that description in the post! If you are dedicated to breaking down those barriers and continually gaining strength, you have no idea how far you can go!

      Thank YOU for reading my blog! I am so happy that my words could serve as motivation for your training! I look forward to talking to you and hearing more from you!

  4. Hi Brooke,
    Thank you so much for posting this article. You have really inspired me to start parkour :) I wanted to ask you a question but anyone else can answer too. When you were first getting started, did you feel self conscious training in public when there are people around? Thank you again, K

    1. Hi Kristilee!
      I am so glad you enjoyed the article! One of my biggest goals is to inspire other girls to get out and train! :) To answer your question, I definitely felt self conscious in the beginning, and a lot of girls I've trained with started the same way. It's something you get over little by little, especially as you make friends in the parkour community, so don't let that stop you! Feel free to ask me any questions as you get started. I'd love to help! You can also feel free to add me on Facebook!

  5. #1 represents my case...I did not know what pk was before the guy I was seeing took me out one night "to show" what he used to do on Sundays when not with me... I have to admit I was in between shocked and concerned, because I did not trust my body and could not understand how he was able to use his for such things! I have to say that, with some ups and downs, after 16 months, I still train every Sunday with him...and it's getting better and better!

  6. That's true that it would be easier to get into this sport if my husband was into it. I find it fascinating, though, so I've been thinking about picking it up. If people can start training with very little stamina, I can try it, too. I at least go running for a couple of miles every week, so that should help, right? http://millcreekgym.com/parkour/

  7. Hii Brooke
    I am Harshini and I am 15 years old. I want to learn parkour. I dont have enough stamina even to do some basic workouts. I want to know if I would be able to make it through. Can i know what you feel about this ?
    thank you

    1. Hi Harshini :) I started out just like you. If you keep pushing yourself every day, you will definitely get there!

  8. Hello. I want to ask. I'm muslim girl age 23 years old and wear hijab. It is possible for me to become parkour girl with hijab? It will not block me to train isn't? and can i train myself alone since i don't know where can i get parkour teacher.

    1. Hi there! I don't see any reason why you can't start training. Absolutely everyone is welcome in the parkour community. I know other traceuses like Fatemah Akrami train with a hijab. (She is really awesome, too. Look her up!) As far as training alone, look up "parkour tutorials" on Youtube, and you'll find everything you need!

  9. hi,
    i am very interested make a parkour girl and thank you for sharing information in this post.

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